3633 participants from 35 countries participated in the scientific activities of Naif Arab University during the year 2020

The establishment of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences came under the generous sponsorship of the headquarters state (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

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The establishment of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences came under the generous sponsorship of the headquarters state (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) within the framework of the Arab endeavor towards achieving integration of joint efforts in the field of combating crime and supporting the fields of criminal justice, as the university is the scientific body of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers, which is in charge of the scientific part of Arab security strategies and plans, and the development of specialized Arab security cadres. Naif Arab University for Security Sciences recently launched its new strategic plan 2019-2023, which was approved by the Supreme Council of the University, and aims to make the university the first institution in preparing Arab leaders and experts in security fields within a general framework of embodying the university's vision, mission and strategic goals. In 2020, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences carried out a number of scientific activities within its annual work program derived from the recommendations of the meetings of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers, which will lead to distinguished international cooperation and partnership relations with relevant organizations and institutions at the Arab and international levels. The activities were as follows: (The Second Meeting of the Heads of the Communication of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers), (The Specialized Program in Digital Evidence), the training program (Developing the Skills of Traffic Accident Investigators), the training program (Security Applications of Geographic Information Systems), and the Second Scientific Symposium (Alternative Penalties for Custodial Sentences ), the scientific symposium (Recruiting Children for Armed Conflict), a workshop (Airport Security: Applying Strategic Traveler Identity Programs ), the scientific symposium (human rights in prisons and correctional institutions), and a series of lectures (dealing with crises and disasters) The scientific symposium (advanced technologies and scientific research to deal with crises and disasters), the scientific symposium (mental health during Corona pandemic ), the workshop (education and training in the field of nuclear security), and the workshop (risk management for dual-use materials for Law Enforcement and Security). And 3633 participants from 35 Arab, Asian, European and American countries participated in these scientific and training activities that the university carried out in person and through virtual meetings. Naif Arab University for Security Sciences has many strategic relations with Arab security agencies that have positively contributed to the transfer of distinguished international expertise through international partnerships with regional and international organizations and institutions, especially the United Nations and its subordinate organizations, in addition to many academic and security bodies in various countries of the world, including: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) The International Organization for Migration, the High Commissioner for Refugees, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Middle East and North Africa Counter-Terrorism Project, and the Agency The European Border and Coast Guard (Frontex), the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross, the German Federal Police, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), and the French Embassy in Riyadh. Naif Arab University for Security Sciences is a member of a number of Arab ministerial councils and international Union of universities. And in cooperation with these institutions, the University organized many scientific, training and research programs. Naif Arab University for Security Sciences was chosen as a member of the Interpol advisory for strategic affairs to be the only one in the Arabic world and the Islamic word that had this membership. It signed a joint memorandum of understanding with the Interpol to promote cooperation and exchange of experiences and information. In 2020, this strategic cooperation culminates in the accession of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences to the Interpol International Academy, therefore it is a network of trusted educational institutions in the field of law preparation and implementation. The University is one of the centers of the United States network of criminal justice and crime prevention (the thirteenth) around the world. This network contains the center of the United States to prevent international crime and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences and a number of regional institutes around the world and some specialized centers, regional institutes offer a variety of services, including information exchange, research, training and consulting. The achievements and successes it has achieved in the field of its specialization would not have been achieved but with the grace of Allah first, then what the university achieved from received generous sponsorship and unlimited material and moral support from the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Saud and the Crown Prince – May Allah protect them, what it found in terms of support and directions from His Highness the Ministers, Chairman of the supreme Council of the League, and their Highnesses and Excellencies, the Arab Interior Ministers, so that the university became a home for Arab and International security expertise.​


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