خريطة الموقع

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    About NAUSS
    Supreme Council
    His Excellency Dr. Abdulmajeed bin Abdullah Albanyan
    Chairperson of the University Supreme Council
    His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Bin Ali Kuman
    Members of The Supreme Council
    The Charter of the Supreme Council
    His Excellency Dr. Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Sabti
    His Excellency Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi
    His Excellency Major General Obaidallah Abd Rabbo Al-Maaytah
    His Excellency Major General Hani Abu Al-Makarem​
    Her Excellency Prof. Einas bint Suleiman Al-Eisa
    His Excellency Prof. Moez Shafra
    Prof. Tariq Saleh Al-Rayes
    His Excellency Mr. Khalid bin Abdulaziz Alharfash
    Brief about NAIF
    الأمير نايف بن عبد العزيز آل سعود
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    His Excellency Dr. Abdul Majeed bin Abdullah Al-Bunyan
    معالي د. جمعان رشيد بن رقوش
    معالي أ.د. عبد العزيز بن صقر الغامدي
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    معالي د.عبدالمجيد بن عبدالله البنيان
    أ. د. إيناس بنت سليمان العيسى
    دكتور كيم
    زوران فيرينسك
    Tanveer Ahmad Zia
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    د. أسامه محمد السليماني
    د. جعفر بن محمد بن شفلوت
    د. جهاد محمد القدسي
    د. حابس مشهور الفواعرة
    د. حاكم مظهور السرحان
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    د. سليمان محمد العيدي
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    د. فهد بن محمد الحربي
    كورت هيلجي هانسون
    د. محمد أحمد المنشاوي
    د. محمد سعيد عبدالعاطي محمد
    Master of Arts in Criminal Law and Forensic Sciences
    Master of Arts in Financial Integrity Program
    Master of Law Enforcement
    Master of Science in Forensic Science Program
    Master of Arts in Criminology Program
    Master of National Security Program
    Master of Science in Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Program
    The High Diploma Program in Drug Control Strategies
    The High Diploma Program in Cybercrime and Digital Forensics
    Higher diploma program in human rights
    Higher Diploma in National Security Studies
    Higher Diploma Program in Border Governance and Security
    Master's program in economic crimes
    Higher diploma program in combating terrorism
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    حمد بن عثمان الفوزان
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    عثمان أحمد الطاهر
    د.م. شريف شكري عبدربه
    أ. أسامة فتحي خليل
    أ. فتحي حسين الخطيب
    Security Research Center
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    ACTC-MBM Center
    أ.عواطف معتوق
    نيلسون جونكالفيز
    About ACTC-MBM Center
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    Objectives & Pillars
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    أ.جاكوبو كاربوناري
    أ.كريم هلال
    أ.دانة إسماعيل
    مضر الحمداني
    Forensic laboratories
    Arab Society for Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine
    REC-CDC Center
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    About REC-CDC Center
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    تدريب المدربين.
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    شروط الخصوصية
    خريطة الموقع
    3633 participants from 35 countries participated in the scientific activities of Naif Arab University during the year 2020
    The Arab Interior Ministers Council concludes the work of its 38th session and expresses its appreciation for the constructive support that Naif Arab University receives from the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and HRH the Crown Prince
    بالتعاون مع الأمانة الفنية لمجلس وزراء الإعلام العرب، وأكاديمية العلوم الشرطية بالشارقة وبمشاركة 424 مشاركًا من 23 دولة جامعة نايف العربية تنظم حلقة "دور وسائل الإعلام والتواصل الاجتماعي في الحد من الجريمة”
    سمو أمير منطقة نجران يفتتح عدداً من ورش العمل التي تنظمها إمارة المنطقة وجامعة نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية
    Signed today between Naif Arab University and the International Institute for Research against Counterfeit Medicines and the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights NAUSS inaugurates the workshop (Modern Strategies for
    Naif Arab University participates in the meeting of the (51)st session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action
    The President of Naif Arab University receive the Charge d'Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    A Delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visits Naif Arab University
    The President of Naif Arab University met the Secretary-General of the Arab League
    The President of Naif Arab University met with the Regional Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
    The conclusion of the 12th Conference of the Directors of the Arab Institute for Security Training and Qualification President of Naif Arab University, Dr. Abdulmajeed Albanyan: “NAUSS launched its strategic plan 2019-2023 and designed its educational a
    The President of Naif Arab University met with the Executive Director of the Cepol
    In cooperation with the International Organization for Migration, the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office, and the Police Academy in Egypt, Naif Arab University for security sciences organized a workshop titled "Use of Biometrics and Traveler Informat
    The President of Naif Arab University met today with the Director of the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre
    The President of Naif Arab University receive the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Saudi Arabia
    In the presence of His Excellency the President of NAUSS, Naif Arab University organizes the annual meeting for faculty members for the academic year 2021
    جامعة نايف العربية تستضيف أعمال برنامج (المدرسة الدولية للأمن النووي للدول الناطقة باللغة العربية) بالتعاون مع الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية
    Naif Arab University holds the first meeting of the preparedness committee for the academic year 2021-2022
    In cooperation with the Public Security Directorate of Jordan and the Center for Science and Security Studies at King’s College London, Naif Arab University organizes in Amman the workshop “Nuclear Security Culture for Leaders and Decision Makers”
    رئيس جامعة نايف العربية يستقبل سفير جمهورية كوريا لدى المملكة العربية السعودية
    HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud sponsors the graduation ceremony of the 39th batch of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences
    A Memorandum of Understanding between Naif Arab University and the Korean National Police University
    The President of Naif Arab University receives the Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa of the In International Organization for Migration (IOM)
    The President of Naif Arab University receivse a delegation from the Ministry of Interior of the French Republic
    The President of Naif Arab University receives the Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training
    Naif Arab University hosts the First Meeting of Directors of Police Academies and Security Training Institutes in the Arab Countries
    The President of Naif Arab University receives the Head of the General Directorate of Prisons and Rehabilitation in the Ministry of Justice of Tunisia
    NAUSS Organizes 5th International Conference of Arab Society for Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine
    Naif Arab University participates in the International Conference for the Recovery of Stolen Assets in Iraq;
    جامعة نايف العربية تنظم ندوة التحقيق والمسؤولية الجنائية في جرائم المخدرات والأدوية المقلدة
    Naif Arab University organizes in Cairo a workshop entitled The Risks of Financing Terrorism through Digital Payment Methods (Digital Currencies)
    NAUSS Organizes 3 Workshops on the Digital Forensic Analysis of Computers, Networks, and Mobile Devices
    According to a Study by NAUSS, 137000 Arabs Visit the Financial Fraud Websites Daily
    Naif Arab University and the GD of Border Guards organize a workshop on Port Security: Border Guards and their Role in Maritime Search and Rescue
    150 Theses and Studies Have been Discussed by NAUSS for Enhancing the Arab Environmental Security
    Naif Arab University (NAUSS) signs a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Center (UNCCT)
    Naif Arab University for Security Sciences Participates in the Riyadh International Book Fair 2021
    Naif Arab University organizes in Malé workshops for the International Program to Combating Extremism and Terrorism
      بالتعاون مع الإيسيسكو.. نايف العربية تنظم ملتقى (الإعلام الأمني في أثناء الأزمات والكوارث) بالرباط
    Naif Arab University organizes the Second Forum on Education and Training in Security Institutions
    Naif Arab University and the High Commission for Industrial Security launch the “Industrial Security and Critical Facilities Diploma Program”
    Prof. Tariq Al-Rayes appointed as Vice-President of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences
    Somali Minister of Internal Security Visits NAUSS
    Organized by NAUSS, the Symposium "The Non-Custodial Sanctions" Launched in Tunisia
    NAUSS Signs Cooperation Agreement with Tunisian Ministry of Justice
    In 2021 NAUSS Realized Many Successes Now It is Looking Forward to a New Year Full of Great Achievements
    NAUSS Hosts the Regular 52nd Session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action
    NAUSS Exhibits 130 New Security Publications in the Cairo International Book Fair
    NAUSS Participates in the Launch of the International Organization for Migration Strategy for the Gulf Countries
    وزراء الداخلية العرب يثمنون لجامعة نايف جهودها في تعزيز الأمن العربي
    Together, We Build a Better Future … NAUSS Welcomes Alumni Association Members
    Scientific Activities
    About the Events
    Events Summary
    سياسة الخصوصية وشروط الاستخدام
    البحث المتقدم
    تحت التطوير
    لوحة التحكم
    الملف الصحفي
    لوحة التحكم
    الصفحة غير موجودة



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