Naif Arab University hosts the First Meeting of Directors of Police Academies and Security Training Institutes in the Arab Countries

Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) hosted on its campus in Riyadh the "First Meeting of Directors of Police Academies and Security Training Institutes in the Arab Countries,

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 Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) hosted on its campus in Riyadh the "First Meeting of Directors of Police Academies and Security Training Institutes in the Arab Countries," in fulfilment of NAUSS commitment to implement the recommendations of the Eleventh Conference of Heads of Security Training and Qualification Institutions.


The meeting was attended by His Excellency the President of Naif Arab University Dr. Abdulmajeed bin Abdullah Albanyan, and His Excellency the Secretary General of the Arab Interior Ministers Council, r. Mohammad Bin Ali Kuman. It was also virtually attended by the Director of the Training and Qualification Directorate at the Ministry of Interior Major General Ziad Taha Ali.


23 members participated in the meeting, representing 13 Arab countries: Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, and Mauritania.


The meeting discussed a number of topics including strengthening Arab partnerships in the academic, training and research fieldswithin the context of exchanging experiences and providing best practices in these domains to serve comprehensive Arab security interests, to achieve integration and cooperation between security training academies and institutes in the Arab countries, and to establish a base for Arab experts in security and related domains.  The meeting also discussed the topic of benefiting from specialized expertise in all security and related domains in the Arab world, and establishing a base for Arab security academies, institutes and colleges.


The meeting also considered the possibility of establishing a strong information reference that contributes to decision-making processes, providing information to enrich the security research process, providing databases that contribute to planning and prediction processes, and approving the periodic recurrence of the meeting. It also  discussed ensuring coordination and cooperation in the educational, training and research domains, working continuously to develop cooperation systems and mechanisms in all the aforementioned fields, , finding a mechanism to exchange visits and experiences. It also highlighted the importance of exchanging visits and experiences to develop mechanisms that will be agreed upon with relation to the previous topics. 


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