In 2021 NAUSS Realized Many Successes Now It is Looking Forward to a New Year Full of Great Achievements

In 2021, NAUSS realized many successes on the academic, research, and training levels. It strengthened the international partnerships for highlighting its role as the scientific body of the Arab Interior Ministers Council (AIMC)

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In 2021, NAUSS realized many successes on the academic, research, and training levels. It strengthened the international partnerships for highlighting its role as the scientific body of the Arab Interior Ministers Council (AIMC). Moreover, NAUSS strived to unify the joint efforts for combating crime and supporting the criminal justice fields in the Arab countries. All these achievements have been accomplished thanks to the generous sponsorship and unlimited support granted by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Based on NAUSS's strategic plan 2019-2023 that reflects our ambitious vision and aspirations, NAUSS implemented many scientific and training activities under its annual work program for 2021. The relationships of partnership and international cooperation have been enhanced with the international organizations, scientific institutions, research centers, and Arab security agencies for:

-  Encountering all forms of traditional and new crimes. The information and digital terrorism crimes are considered a priority in this regard.

- Highlighting how technology may be employed for fighting crimes of currency counterfeiting and digital payment.

NAUSS organized many symposiums, conferences, and workshops on fields of training and education in the security institutions, forensic sciences and forensic medicine, and investigation in crimes of drugs and counterfeit medicines. Moreover, it organized an important forum on the non-custodial sentences in 2021.       

Regarding NAUSS's international partnerships, NAUSS organized:

-        Many scientific activities and events on the concepts and objectives of intellectual security

-        An international forum on earth observation and geospatial information technology.

-        Other activities on the fundamentals of operational analysis of security information and border and epidemic management.

-        Two workshops on the psychological rigidity of security men and the development of scenarios building skills for encountering the security crises.

-        A workshop on the hazardous waste management.

-        Workshops on the modern strategy for combating the counterfeit medicines

-        Workshops on the mechanisms employed for dealing with the misuse of UUIDs

-        Workshops on promoting the nuclear security culture of leaders and decision makers.

More than 5305 participants representing 36 Arab, Asian, European, and American countries have attended, in person or virtually by videoconferencing, the scientific and training activities organized by NAUSS.  

In 2021, NAUSS published 60 research, 8 studies, 27 security policy papers pertinent to many security fields, 3 peer-reviewed publications, and 6 scientific journals. The publications reflected NAUSS's efforts aiming to be a trusted academic reference for enhancing the security scientific research and decision support and to establish effective security policies by preparing applied studies on the most critical security threats.   
In 2021, NAUSS organized its annual ceremony for the graduation of 216 male and female students representing the 39th batch of graduates from 9 Arab countries. The ceremony was organized at NAUSS's campus in Riyadh under a generous sponsorship of His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, the Minister of Interior and the Chairperson of NAUSS's Supreme Council
HRH launched NAUSS' new identity that reflects one of NAUSS's strategy products and highlights NAUSS's values, future objectives, and aspirations arising from its vision aiming to be the leading security institution in qualifying the Arab security leaders and experts. NAUSS also established the innovation lab, developed the security library, and modernized policies and controls for enhancing the cybersecurity.

It is worth noting that NAUSS is a member in many Arab ministerial councils and international university federations. NAUSS's colleges, scientific centers, and specialized administrations have organized, in cooperation with the institutions belonging to the university federations, hundreds of scientific and training programs. NAUSS signed 121 memorandums of understanding and cooperation; 7 of such memorandums with international agencies have been signed in 2021. Such memorandums seek to support the areas of scientific and technological cooperation for combating crime and realizing the criminal justice.  
NAUSS crowned its successes in the international cooperation activities by presiding the ITU Centers of Excellence Network for the Arab Region. It is also the assistant manager for INTERPOL Global Academy network activities. 


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