
Equipping an Advanced Technological Environment:

  • Multimedia Digital Forensics Laboratory: It is designed according to the highest international standards and equipped with cutting-edge technologies and tools used for handling, processing, and preserving digital evidence at crime scenes.​ ​
  • Computer Digital Forensics Laboratory: It is designed following the highest international standards and equipped with cutting-edge technologies used in identifying, collecting, analyzing, and presenting digital evidence found on computers and electronic devices.
  • Network Digital Forensics Laboratory: It is designed according to the highest international standards and equipped with cutting-edge technologies used in defining network infrastructure and protocols in a security context, analyzing the relationship between network digital evidence, and network security technologies. ​
  • ​Mobile and Drone Digital Forensics Laboratory: It is designed following the highest international standards and equipped with cutting-edge technologies, open-source tools, and commercial technical tools used in extracting and analyzing digital forensic evidence from mobile devices and drones.

International Human Competencies: 

Attracting a group of international experts from Australia, South Korea, Norway, India, and Saudi Arabia. ​



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