
Language of the Program:Arabic

Study Duration: The program is offered over four academic years (eight semesters).

Tuition fees: 200,000 Saudi Riyals

Ph.D. Program in Criminal Law

The doctoral program in criminal law is considered a qualitative program aimed at preparing specialized scientific personnel capable of contributing to the development of criminal thinking and establishing the foundations of scientific research based on scientific thinking and critical analysis in the field of criminal law. Consequently, it fulfills the needs of security and academic institutions in the Arab world. Through this program, which focuses on the study of advanced topics in the criminal field and the preparation of a scientific thesis, researchers will familiarize themselves with the principles, concepts, theories, legal developments, contemporary issues, and emerging challenges at both the national and international levels related to criminal law and criminal justice in a comprehensive manner.

1 Special Admission Requirements

To obtain a master's degree in criminal law, law enforcement, or public law from a recognized university, it is required that holders of a master's degree in public law have completed courses in the specialization of criminal law. Holders of a master's degree in a branch of private law from a recognized university may be accepted, provided they pass a complementary semester (4 courses). Additionally, holders of a master's degree in Islamic law, social sciences, administrative sciences, police sciences, security sciences, or military sciences from a recognized university may be accepted, provided they pass two complementary semesters (8 courses). Passing a written exam and successful completion of a personal interview.

Graduation Requirements

Successfully completing the required program hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 out of 5.00, in addition to passing the comprehensive exam and obtaining approval for the scientific thesis within the specified timeframe necessary to fulfill the requirements for obtaining the academic degree.

Program Classification

The process of adding the program to the Saudi Standard Classification of Occupations is currently underway. ​

2 Program Objectives

  • Addressing the needs of security institutions within the Arab world
  • Contributing to the development of legal thought to enrich the security sector through qualitative research and studies in criminal law for community benefit
  • Equipping specialized academic personnel in criminal law with the skills to analyze and critique legal documents.

3 Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Proficiently applying methods, approaches, and methodologies of legal scientific research and critical thinking to conduct original research and scientific activities that foster the advancement of criminal law.
  • Conducting thorough analyses of legal principles concerning substantive and procedural criminal law, exploring their practical applications, and engaging in discussions regarding their formulation. As well as precisely devising legal solutions for prevalent contemporary criminal issues, emerging crimes, and criminal challenges, both nationally and internationally
  • Identifying with precision the methods, approaches, and methodologies of legal scientific research and critical thinking necessary for conducting original research and scholarly activities. Additionally, demonstrating a profound understanding of key principles, concepts, traditional and modern theories associated with the field of criminal law, and complementary models of criminal justice.
  • Providing advanced insights into recent legislative developments, emerging issues and crimes, and emerging challenges on both national and international scales.
  • Offering comprehensive explanations of various substantive and procedural legal regulations within the field of criminal law.
  • Attaining an in-depth understanding of significant traditional and modern principles, concepts, and theories related to criminal law and complementary models of criminal justice

5 College of Criminal Justice

College of Criminal Justice

It aims to prepare specialized scientific personnel capable of contributing to the development of criminal thinking and establishing the foundations of scientific research based on scientific thinking and critical analysis in the field of criminal law.


6 Department of Criminal Law

Department of Criminal Law

The Criminal Law Department at the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences is a unique scientific tributary in the Arab world. This reflects the university's interest in establishing academic departments that are in line with the university's vision and objectives and the specializations it seeks to offer and develop. This will have a positive impact on the university's educational outcomes, as the Criminal Law Department will be responsible for preparing cadres and leaders in beneficiary entities in the field of criminal law and forensic sciences.



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