Higher Diploma Program in Border Governance and Security

Language of the Program: Arabic

Study Duration: : The program is offered over an academic year (two semesters).

Tuition fees: 50,000 Saudi Riyals

Higher Diploma Program in Border Governance and Security

Arab countries confront shared challenges concerning migration and border security, exacerbated by conflicts and humanitarian crises. These issues increase vulnerability to human trafficking and jeopardize migration governance, national security, and economic stability. In line with NAUSS commitment to addressing national and regional needs, efforts are being made to enhance capacities and provide technical support to migration and border institutions. The focus is on digital identity and its implications for border control and security, as well as strengthening collaborative mechanisms among institutions while reinforcing pertinent legal frameworks, the partnership between NAUSS and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) endeavors to establish a higher diploma program in border governance and security. This program will be the first of its kind globally, integrating topics related to border governance and security that reflect the contextual realities of the Arab region.

1 Special Admission Requirements:

  • Holding a bachelor's degree from an accredited university, with a minimum overall grade of "good" in one of the following fields: security sciences, political sciences, law, international relations, management, demography, or any other fields deemed appropriate by the admissions committee.

Graduation Requirements

Successfully completing the required program hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 out of 5.00 within the specified timeframe necessary to fulfill the requirements for obtaining the academic degree.

Program Classification

Saudi Standard Classification of Occupations - Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

2 Program Objectives:

  • Equipping students with ethical and legal frameworks for designing and implementing policies and practices related to border governance and security.
  • Providing students with a comprehensive comprehension of migration patterns, motives, and impacts, encompassing economic, social, and political dimensions.
  • Enabling students to analyze various methods and strategies for border management and security and assessing the impact of these strategies on human rights, economic development, and regional and international integration.

3 Expected Learning Outcomes:

  • Developing the ability to address forced migration (displacement and asylum) from legal and security perspectives.
  • Examining identification documents and valuable documents (legal identity) and detecting traditional and modern forgery operations.
  • Cultivating critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills.
  • Identifying and analyzing modern security measures required to secure identification documents and valuable documents (legal identity).
  • Evaluating the social, cultural, and political impacts of migration on source and destination countries.
  • Understanding the historical and contemporary origins, reasons, and consequences of migration.
  • Analyzing demographic and economic trends and patterns of migration.
  • Formulating strategies to enhance ethical and legal frameworks in the field of migration and border security and management.
  • Recognizing the importance of ethical and legal frameworks in human rights concerning migration, border security & management, and analyzing the resulting impacts.
  • Understanding the impact of border security and management on human rights, economic development, and regional and international integration.
  • Identifying and analyzing different methods and strategies for border security and management and evaluating their effectiveness.

4 Study Plan

#CourseCredit Hours
1 Migration Governance and its Regional and International Dimensions 3
2 Legal Identity 3
3 Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking 3
4 Migration Data 3

#CourseCredit Hours
1 Management of Identity and Biometrics 3
2 Border Control and Security and Relevant Technologies 3
3 Document Security and Fraud Detection 3
4 Forced Migration 3
5 Border Intelligence and Risk Analysis 3

5 College of Criminal Justice

كلية العدالة الجنائية

Distinguished as one of the premier colleges in the Arab world within its domain, this college offers academic programs encompassing financial integrity, criminal law, forensics, police sciences, and security management, through a distinguished group of experts and specialists in criminal justice.

More about the College

6 Department of Security Management

قسم الإدارة الأمنية

This department aims to disseminate administrative and security knowledge and deepen its concepts, theories, and applications among students through distinguished academic programs. These programs aim to develop the theoretical and practical capacities and skills of leadership and functional personnel from various security and civil sectors. Continuous efforts are made to introduce and develop relevant academic programs in line with the university's strategy.

More about the Department


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