Brief Biography

Dr. Almasmoudi possesses 22 years of diverse experience spanning scientific research, university teaching, supervision of researchers and students, training management, and contributions to national and international organizations. He was a member of the National Thinking Committee in sociology and psychology, driving national efforts in Tunisia to understand and mitigate the impact of the coronavirus. Additionally, he contributed to the National Strategy for Science, Technology, and Innovation post-coronavirus as a member of the National Thinking Committee.

Scientific and Professional Experience:

  • Member of the HONORLOGIC International Team from 2019 to 2024.

  • International expert and researcher for the United Nations Development Programme.

  • Founder of the Professional Master's Program "Crime Science and Deviation Prevention" in collaboration with the General Committee of Prisons and Reeducation in 2019.

  • General Coordinator of the partnership between the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of Tunis and the General Committee of Prisons and Reeducation (2018 - present).

  • Held advisory and scientific supervisory roles in numerous national and international scientific research projects.


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