His Excellency Dr. Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Sabti

Advisor at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

​​​​​Brief Biography:

Dr. Al-Sabti currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prior to this role, he held several significant positions including Governor of the National Cybersecurity Authority, Chairman of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission, Minister of Higher Education, and Deputy Minister of Education. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Computer Science from King Saud University and pursued further education, earning both a master's and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Syracuse University in the United States. In recognition of his exceptional contributions to scientific development and research, he was honored with the Order of King Abdulaziz - First Class in 2004. Dr. Al-Sabti actively participates as a member of various specialized councils and committees, utilizing his expertise to advance scientific endeavors. Furthermore, he has authored and published several books, enriching the specialized scientific library with his valuable insights and knowledge.

Professional Experience:

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission.

  • Governor of the National Cybersecurity Authority

  • Minister of Higher Education

  • Deputy Minister of Education

Educational Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from King Saud University.

  • Master’s and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Syracuse University in the United States. ​


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