Forensic sciences

Forensic sciences are one of the most important applied forensic sciences that the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences has given attention to since its inception. This is because they are the most important tool in criminal investigation and the administration of justice. The university began with the name "Forensic Laboratories", and then the College of Forensic Sciences. Recently, and in line with the university's strategy and ongoing development projects, these sciences have been placed under the umbrella of the College of Criminal Justice in an independent department that seeks to provide outstanding academic programs in the Diploma, Master's, and Doctorate levels in various specializations of forensic sciences. This is aimed at professionally and academically qualifying experts and workers in the criminal field in a way that enhances their scientific and practical capabilities.

The department has taken care to include the most important specializations of forensic sciences and give them the necessary attention and development, whether traditional ones, such as fingerprint examination and matching, and document and document examination, or those advanced that require advanced laboratory equipment and qualified human expertise, such as the analysis of poisons and drugs, as well as DNA analysis. Recently, the specialization of digital forensics has become one of the department's interests due to its important role in criminal investigations in general and cybercrime investigations in particular. To provide scientific and applied programs with high efficiency and achieve the required outputs, advanced laboratories have been developed and equipped with the latest advanced detection and analytical devices, equipment, and technical means. ​



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