Second Day of “The Role of TV and Radio Program Producers, and How to Address Issues Related to Terrorism and National Security in the Media” Seminar Kicks off

The second day of the seminar of “The Role of TV and Radio Program Producers, and How to Address Issues Related to Terrorism and National Security in the Media” kicked off on Tuesday, in Egypt

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The second day of the seminar of “The Role of TV and Radio Program Producers, and How to Address Issues Related to Terrorism and National Security in the Media" kicked off on Tuesday, in Egypt, Cairo.

The 3- seminar is co-organized by the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) and the Arab League (AL), at the headquarters of the AL General Secretariat.

Four lectures were held at Tuesday seminar. The first lecture was entitled “Addressing the use of the Internet and the media in combating terrorism and presenting the new global program to prevent and combat terrorism." It was presented by the expert in criminal justice and crime prevention at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the Middle East and North Africa, Judge Ihab Al-Manbawi.

The second lecture was titled "Dealing with Media Material Issued by Terrorist Organizations: Cautions for Using It." It was presented by journalist Mohammed Al-Tumaihi. It clarifies how media organizations can benefit from videos or media statements issued by terrorist organizations without falling into the trap of promoting them.

The third lecture was entitled "Audiovisual Media and National Security Issues: Searching for a Balance between the Requirements of Security and Media Freedom." It was presented by the expert in security policies, Dr. Iman Rajab. She reviewed the most important issues covered by the media related to national security and terrorism, and the most important international experiences on building the capabilities of media workers to be more able to deal objectively with issues of terrorism and national security.

While the fourth lecture dealt with "Setting Media Terminology when Dealing with the Activities of Terrorist Groups." The lecture was presented by journalist Ali Ibrahim Brisha. It pointed out to how formulate programs related to terrorism that need accuracy in dealing with many security, legal or media terms in order to reduce any negative impact caused by the media handling of this sensitive material.

It is scheduled that the scientific seminar will conclude its work on Wednesday.

For his part, the Assistant Secretary-General - Head of the Media and Communication Sector of the Arab League, Ambassador Ahmed Rashid Khattabi, affirmed the importance of this scientific seminar. He said that the seminar comes to formulate an Arab media discourse that is open to the various partners involved in combating terrorism, in a way that contributes to developing community awareness and spreading a culture of tolerance and coexistence.​


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