Dr. Hussein Yousef Abu Mansour

Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence

Brief Biography

Dr. Abu Mansour delivers lectures in the field of cybersecurity, with scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals. He serves as a reviewer for many scientific journals and conferences, with research interests including cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

Scientific and Professional Experience:

  • Holds a Ph.D. from the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom.

  • Currently holds the position of Advisor to the University Vice-President for Academic Affairs.

  • Progressed through various university positions, including being the Deputy Dean of the College of Computer and Information Security and the Assistant to the University Vice-President for Academic Affairs.

  • Served as a General Coordinator for Information Technology Programs at the Arab Open University.

  • Possesses over 20 years of professional experience in Jordanian and Saudi universities.


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