Dr. Ali Dubyan Alrashaidi

Associate Professor of Public Administration

Brief Biography

Major General Alrashaidi served in the General Directorate of Public Security (General Department of Traffic) before transitioning to academia. His academic journey culminated in a Ph.D. in Security Philosophy, specializing in Administrative Sciences. Presently, he serves as a faculty member in the Department of Security Management, in addition to his role as supervisor on the Center of Road Traffic Safety.

Scientific and Professional Experience:

  • Holds a Ph.D. in Security Philosophy with specialization in Administrative Sciences.

  • Served as an advisor to the University Vice-Presidency for Academic Affairs.

  • Plays a vital role as a faculty member in the Department of Security Management.

  • Supervisor on the Center of Road Traffic Safety

  • Supervisor on the Center of Road Traffic Safety

  • Chairman of the Founding Committee for the Center of Road Traffic Safety.

  • Held the position of Dean of Admission and Registration at NAUSS, as well as Director of the Educational System and E-Learning System Enhancement Project.

  • Provided consultancy services to the Ministry of Interior for the study of the National Security Strategy (2019-2022).

  • Led the Public Security Development Team within the Ministry of Interior.

  • Authored numerous specialized studies and publications in administrative, security, and traffic fields, published in various scientific journals.

  • Taught courses in administrative and security leadership, covering topics such as Leadership and Innovation, Principles of Administration, Administrative and Security Training, Administrative and Security Problems, Strategic Planning, Contemporary Security Crises, Administration and its Security Applications, Management of Security Crisis, Police Administration, Management of Social and Correctional Institutions, and Internal Security.


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