
The Center provides a wide range of products and services aligned with its strategic objectives, which are derived from the overarching strategic objectives of the University. It serves as the premier Arab house of expertise, providing educational, training, and research products in the field of security safety.​

​&Training Courses​:

The Center provides a variety of professional training courses focusing on traffic safety and related disciplines. These courses aim to equip Arab professionals with the necessary skills in traffic safety and provide them with competitive edges in leveraging modern technologies to improve road traffic safety. The courses offered encompass the following areas prioritized by the Center:

  • Traffic engineering.
  • Traffic accident management.
  • Traffic management systems.
  • Traffic control and law enforcement.
  • Data management and strategic planning.
  • Effective leadership for traffic safety enhancement.
  • Developing skills for traffic accident investigators.
  • Enhancing the use of artificial intelligence in traffic safety and the traffic sector.
  • Organizing awareness campaigns to promote traffic safety awareness.

 Specialized Traffic Workshops :

The Center conducts specialized traffic workshops tailored for stakeholders involved in various aspects of traffic safety on a local, regional, and global scale. These workshops are overseen by a panel of international experts, aiming to enhance the technical and practical competencies essential for professionals and specialists in the traffic and traffic accident domains.

Research Programs :

The Center has prepared the following research studies and working papers:

  • The use of artificial intelligence for road traffic safety enhancement- a study presented to the Arab Interior Ministers Council.
  • Mechanisms to mitigate driver fatigue and enhance road traffic safety- a study presented to the Arab Interior Ministers Council.
  • Application of the safe transport system to educational transportation to reduce unregulated educational transport in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - a study submitted to the Ministerial Committee for Traffic Safety.
  • A policy paper entitled: Policies to promote traffic safety in smart cities.
  • A policy paper entitled: Security approach in dealing with perpetrators of road accidents under the influence of drug use.
  • Scientific paper entitled: “Cost–Benefit Analysis of Unconventional Arterial Intersection Designs: A Case Study of Cairo", published in the journal “Sustainability – Section: Sustainable Transportation by MDPI”, classified as Q1 in Scopus & Q2 in Web of Science.​ ​
  • Scientific paper entitled: "Characterization of Traffic Accidents Based on Long-Horizon Aggregated and Disaggregated Data", published in the journal “Sustainability – Section: Sustainable Transportation” by MDPI, classified as Q1 in Scopus & Q2 in Web of Science.​ )​


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