
Areas of Work:​

The Center focuses on two primary areas: drugs and crime in general. Within each area, there are several key issues of priority for the current phase, which are reflected in the research, policy reports, academic programs, training courses, and scientific activities conducted at the Center.

Area of Drugs :

The Center is dedicated to combating drugs by consistently monitoring various drug types and emerging psychoactive substances. It strives to develop alternative strategies to tackle drug supply and illicit trafficking, including alternative development policies.

Furthermore, the Center is actively engaged in drug prevention efforts. It designs interventions and programs geared towards raising awareness among women and youth, aiming to prevent all forms of drug-related risks.

Moreover, the Center emphasizes rehabilitating and socially reintegrating individuals involved in or affected by illicit drug trafficking. It seeks to offer alternatives to conviction and imprisonment, focusing on social reintegration and enhancing family resilience as an integral component of the rehabilitation process. This involves providing comprehensive therapeutic care from various dimensions.

Area of Crime :

The Center addresses organized crime by collecting and analyzing pertinent data to grasp its intricate dynamics and devise efficient strategies for its eradication.

Furthermore, it works towards enhancing the justice system, reforming prisons, and incorporating the principles of restorative justice into laws and procedures pertaining to criminal prosecution.

In addition, the Center focuses on transnational organized crimes like illicit arms trade and manufacturing, maritime piracy, transnational human trafficking, and cybercrime networks, which transcend physical borders and extend into the virtual realm.

Moreover, paramount importance is attached to economic crimes and corruption. The Center monitors and analyzes money laundering schemes associated with criminal endeavors, notably terrorism, tracing their financial streams to curtail their impact. It identifies optimal methods to counter these crimes, analyzes suspicious financial activities, and traces illicit money transfers, developing effective strategies to detect and prosecute those involved.

The Center is also concerned with forecasting future crime patterns and pinpointing vulnerabilities in the security of contemporary societies. This involves analyzing the potential illicit applications of modern technologies such as 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. ​



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