About the Center

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Regional Expertise Center for Combating Drugs and Crime (REC-CDC) ​

The Regional Expertise Center for Combating Drugs and Crime (Regional Expertise Center on Evidence-Based Policies and Strategies for Drug Control, Crime Prevention, and Criminal Justice) is a joint initiative between Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Its establishment marks the beginning of a new phase in the strategic partnership between NAUSS and​​  Furthermore, it signifies the implementation of the Arab Security Strategy,​ ​developed, and endorsed by the Arab Interior Ministers Council (AIMC) during its 32nd session in 2015. This strategy called for increased collaboration with specialized international organizations and entities across various security domains.  ​

The Center plays a pivotal role in enhancing NAUSS status as a regional and global hub of expertise in developing, formulating, implementing, and assessing evidence-based policies and strategies for drug control, crime prevention, and criminal justice.​ ​

It will curate a comprehensive repository of knowledge, tools, best practices, and partnerships to benefit member states and all relevant stakeholders. Additionally, it will facilitate the adherence to pertinent international agreements, strategies, and resolutions, thereby contributing to the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 16,​​focuses on promoting just, peaceful, and inclusive societies. ​ ​.

The Center serves as a platform for innovative and constructive interaction among specialized experts, academics, decision-makers, and policymakers in institutions involved in combating drugs and crime in the Arab states and globally. This interaction aims to generate profound collective insights that align with emerging trends and developments and aid in the formulation of evidence-based national plans, programs, and interventions aimed at safeguarding national security against diverse transnational threats and risks associated with crime, drugs, and psychoactive substances.

Guided by key principles drawn from its reference frameworks, the Center prioritizes principles such as respect for human rights, the empowerment of women and youth, the integration of sustainable development requirements, governance, and community engagement.


The Center aims to support and empower League of Arab States member states in crafting and implementing evidence-based policies and strategies that bolster prevention and response efforts considering the most recent technical and practical advancements in the realms of drugs and crime. This endeavor aims to foster the creation of robust, secure, and resilient communities.​ ​​

Foundations​ ​

Academic Programs

Studies, Research, and Policy Reports

Monitoring and Regional Reports

Scientific and Training Activities ​


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