
Drug and Crime Databases

As a knowledge hub, the Center prioritizes hosting UN databases on drugs and crime, facilitating access for law enforcement agencies, experts, and academics. This endeavor underpins the development of evidence-based policies and strategies that align with current international trends.

The Center achieves this through:

​- Collecting, analyzing, and managing data related to drug supply and demand, as well as various types of crime.

- Establishing networks with international databases and repositories housing relevant policies and strategies.

- Establishing connections with pertinent UN educational and training platforms.

  • For more information on SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime) portal database please click here

  • For more information on the database of The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) please click here

  • For more information on the database of The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) please click here

  • For more information on the database of The UNODC global eLearning platform​ please click here

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