
Databases and Information Gathering

  • Gathering, analyzing, and managing data pertinent to drug control and crime prevention via a specialized regional observatory adhering to the most up-to-date standards.
  • Assisting in the development of a network comprising databases of experts, lecturers, and specialized trainers in the field of drug control and crime prevention.
  • Establishing connections with drug control and crime prevention centers and pertinent international organizations.​ ​​
  • Research, Innovation, and Scientific Studies and Research

    The Center aims to enhance and expand the knowledge and evidence base in the realms of drug control, crime prevention, and criminal justice, fostering informed policies, strategies, and programs, while supporting the development of innovative methodologies to address the challenges posed by illicit drugs and crime. This will be accomplished through:

  • Conducting research projects on illicit drugs and crime - trends, methods, techniques, causes, links, and impacts.
  • Leading or participating in policy, strategy, program, and intervention evaluations in drug control, crime prevention, and criminal justice to further develop available guides on national, regional, and cross-regional levels.
  • Developing effective mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the work and impact of the Center.
  • Organizing academic conferences, producing publications, journals, etc., to disseminate and exchange research and evaluation findings across the region and beyond.
  • Enhancing innovative approaches to address the threats posed by illicit drugs and crime and achieve justice for all ("Innovation Lab"), based on research findings and evaluations conducted by the Center.
  • Organizing hackathons to encourage the development of technology-based innovative solutions to address specific issues in drug control, crime prevention, and criminal justice.
  • Supporting national research centers ("Observatories") concerned with drug control and crime prevention by facilitating the exchange of research, data, methodologies, and terminologies, as well as networking with similar centers.
  • Capacity Building for Personnel of Law Enforcement Agencies in Drug Control and Crime Prevention​

  • Developing and delivering postgraduate academic programs covering subjects such as drug and psychotropic substance control, transnational crime prevention, fight against corruption, and economic crimes.
  • Designing and implementing capacity-building programs focused on governance indicators for drug control and crime prevention policies, as well as international guides and standards in these areas.
  • Hosting specialized summer and winter schools dedicated to drug control and crime prevention.​
  • Exchange of Expertise and International Best Practices in Drug Control and Crime Prevention

  • Organizing workshops and conferences aimed at supporting security decision-making.​
  • Conducting reciprocal visits to regional and international organizations related to drug control and crime prevention.
  • Awareness-Raising and Educating on Crime and Drug Risks

    The Center facilitates knowledge development and guides dissemination on a broad scale to increase awareness among member states and the public, aiming to enhance efforts in drug control and crime prevention and promote criminal justice responses aligned with relevant international treaties, standards, and norms established by the United Nations. This includes:​

  • Translating, publishing, and disseminating United Nations reports, guides, and policies concerning drug control and crime prevention.
  • Spearheading initiatives in various aspects of drug control and crime prevention.​
  • Latest awareness-raising and education activities: Special edition of the Life and Security magazine on drugs.
  • Click here for full access.​ ​



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