Forensic Science Laboratories


About the Laboratories:​

Forensic sciences encompass a wide range of scientific disciplines that are essential and critical regarding criminal investigations. Therefore, forensic sciences are an integral part of any criminal justice system in any jurisdiction to combat crimes.

Forensic sciences involve the analysis of physical, chemical, and biological evidence to help identify suspects, confirm witness accounts, and ensure a safer society. .

Given the significant importance of forensic sciences, governments worldwide provide trained forensic scientists and well-equipped laboratories. Thus, there is a high demand for training and developing the next generation of technical experts and leaders in this ever-evolving field.

Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) aims to prepare qualified scientific and professionals to work in Arab forensic laboratories, contributing to peace, security, and justice in Arab society.

Forensic science research is evolving rapidly internationally, and there is a need to develop forensic laboratories that can coordinate and advance research and training trends in forensic sciences alongside disseminating advanced research among Arab and other countries.

With the increasing scientific knowledge and its complexity, the need for a coordinated platform for research and development, along with effective training, has become evident worldwide.

Naif Arab University for Security Sciences aims to develop a state-of-the-art forensic science laboratory to offer diverse services, including specialized professional services, academic services, research, and training.



Forensic Science Laboratories will be committed to providing multidisciplinary, independent, and expert scientific support in forensic sciences according to current international standards.


To advance forensic sciences through collaboration and excellence in training, education, and research to meet the operational needs of forensic laboratories and investigative agencies throughout the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.

Key Benefits

  • The laboratory serves as a comprehensive center for expert advice, support, and training in forensic services, as well as strategic planning for Arab countries.
  • The laboratory will adopt a long-term perspective regarding international trends in forensic sciences, guided by an analysis of the broader Near and Middle East environment.
  • It will facilitate access to developed knowledge, management, and communication between forensic practitioners and criminal justice stakeholders.​ ​
  • §It will facilitate access to cutting-edge research and innovative education in forensic sciences.

Strategic Objectives:

  • The laboratory will serve the Arab and international student community.
  • The laboratory will conduct coordinated and innovative research in forensic sciences.
  • The laboratory will serve as a primary reference for the forensic community in the Arab world.
  • The laboratory will disseminate forensic science knowledge to influence and engage society.
  • The laboratory will strive for recognition as a leading center for forensic sciences with a global reputation.
  • The laboratory will serve as a center for providing culturally responsive and evidence-based training in forensic sciences.
  • The Forensic Science Laboratories will ensure that the core values and strategic priorities of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences are reflected in its operational mission.

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Forensic Science Laboratories:

Forensic Genetics

This unit analyzes DNA samples and body fluids to identify suspects, victims, and evidence in criminal investigations. DNA analysis is one of the most reliable and powerful forensic tools in solving crimes and presenting evidence in the justice system.

Forensic Toxicology

This unit specializes in analyzing body fluids and tissues to detect and quantify drugs, drug metabolites, alcohol, and other toxins that may have contributed to a crime or death. Forensic toxicology is crucial in determining the cause and manner of death in homicide, suicide, and accidental death cases.

Forensic Chemistry

This unit employs chemical analysis to identify and compare substances such as drugs, explosives, and gunshot residues found at a crime scene. Forensic chemistry plays a vital role in identifying suspects and providing evidence related to drug crimes, terrorism cases, and firearms-related offenses.

Documents and Manuscripts

This unit analyzes documents such as handwriting, signatures, and typewritten manuscripts to determine authenticity, identity, and authorship. Document examination is essential in resolving cases involving handwriting examination, fraud, forgery, and identity theft. ​ ​

Trace Chemistry

This unit focuses on analyzing trace materials such as fibers, hair, glass, and paint to match them with specific sources and provide evidence in criminal investigations. Trace chemistry is vital in solving cases involving hit-and-run incidents, burglaries, sexual assaults, and other crimes.

Fingerprint Examination

This unit analyzes fingerprints found at a crime scene to identify suspects and link them to specific crimes. Fingerprint analysis is one of the oldest and most reliable forensic techniques used in crime-solving.

Crime Scene Investigation

This unit collects and analyzes physical evidence from a crime scene, including DNA samples, body fluids, hair, fibers, and other trace materials. Crime scene investigation is essential for identifying suspects, reconstructing crime scenes, and providing evidence in criminal investigations. A state-of-the-art crime scene facility is also being developed to provide world-class training and research facilities for students and professionals.

Firearms and Toolmarks

This unit examines firearms, bullets, cartridges, and toolmarks to determine if they have been used in a crime and match them to specific weapons or tools. Firearms and toolmarks examination are crucial in solving homicide, robbery, and other firearms-related crimes. ​​ ​​​


Contact Us​​​​

For more information about the Forensic Science Laboratories, please contact us through the following link:

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