
University Statute

The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed thereto hereunder:

The Supreme Council

The Supreme Council of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences.

The Chairman

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the University.

University Council

The Council of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences.

University President

The President of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences.

College Council

The council of each college within the University.

Department Council

The council of each department within each college.


Any individual holding a position at the University, including faculty members and personnel in administrative and professional roles.

The Supreme Council of the University shall be responsible for formulating its general policies and supervising its scientific, administrative, and financial affairs, and making decisions that ensure the optimal achievement of its objectives.

The Supreme Council shall have the following responsibilities:

  • Supervising the implementation of the University's general policy in light of the requirements of joint Arab security work.
  • Approving the establishment, merger, closure, or renaming of colleges, institutes, centers, and scientific departments at the University.
  • Approving the University's final account.
  • Adopting the annual budget of the University.
  • Approving the annual report of the University President on the University's activities and affairs.
  • Endorsing regulations recommended by the University council.
  • Granting honorary doctorates and awards.
  • Approving the establishment of scientific chairs at the University.
  • Approving the establishment of scientific societies at the University.
  • Accepting support, donations, grants, gifts, bequests, and endowments offered to the University in a manner consistent with its regulations.
  • Approving investment projects for the University's assets and funds and determining their disposal.
  • Appointing the legal accountant responsible for auditing the University's accounts.
  • Considering matters presented by the University President to the council.

Members of the Supreme Council shall be appointed by a decision from the Chairman, based on the nomination of the University President, for a renewable term of three years.

A member wishing to resign from the Council membership before the end of their term may submit a written resignation to the Chairman. ​

The Supreme Council of the University holds two regular sessions annually, and the Council shall not convene unless at least two-thirds of the members attend the meeting.

The Council may convene extraordinary meetings upon the invitation of its Chairman or his delegate, or upon the request of at least five of its members.

The University President, with the approval of the Chairman, shall schedule the Council meetings. The chair of the meeting has the right to invite those deemed necessary to attend Council meetings when needed.

The University President shall prepare the agenda for the Council meetings and send it, along with the documents, to the members fifteen days prior to the meeting date.

The Supreme Council shall approve its agenda at the beginning of each meeting. The Chairman has the right to add any items he deems necessary before its approval.

The Chairman shall preside over both regular and extraordinary sessions of the Council. If unable to do so, the Vice-Chairman shall act on his behalf.

Decisions of the Council shall be made by a majority of the present members, including the Vice-Chairman. In case of a tie, the side voted for by the chair of the meeting shall prevail.

The Supreme Council authorizes its Chairman to decide urgently on scientific, administrative, and financial matters if the Council cannot convene to consider them, without the need for an extraordinary session. The Council shall be informed of such matters at its next meeting.

The Council shall have a general secretariat overseen by the University President, responsible for all administrative matters. The Secretary of the Council shall prepare for the Council's sessions, draft its minutes, formulate its decisions, and follow up on all matters related to the Council's work. ​


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