Arab Relations

In alignment with NAUSS vision of the significance of collective Arab endeavors and to fortify and enrich its ties with diverse Arab organizations, universities, councils, and security institutions, as well as ensuring coordination with the General Secretariat of the AIMC and communication divisions within Arab interior ministries, NAUSS endeavors to strengthen its relationships with multiple Arab bodies and organizations by actively participating in Arab conferences and meetings that align with its objectives and missions.

NAUSS annual work program is formulated based on specific criteria aimed at advancing Arab security agencies. Activities, programs, and studies are implemented in accordance with Arab security strategies and plans.

Furthermore, NAUSS maintains communication channels with Arab embassies in the host country and Arab organizations in Arab countries. It diligently oversees and activates its memberships in Arab councils, bodies, and organizations.



Enhance NAUSS role as the scientific body of the AIMC.

Foster stronger connections between NAUSS and pertinent Arab organizations and entities.

Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise among Arab countries and organizations through NAUSS annual work program.



Councils In Numbers

We work to strengthen ties between Arab entities and organizations and enhance joint Arab security work


NAUSS maintains relationships with Arab interior ministries


NAUSS holds memberships in Arab ministerial councils


NAUSS engages in cooperation with diverse Arab federations, associations, and centers


Arab interior and justice ministers, security officials, academics, universities, and organizations have collectively made 123 visits to NAUSS headquarters


NAUSS has participated in meetings of the General Secretariat of the AIMC, as well as meetings of the Arab League and other Arab councils.

Memberships in Ministerial Councils


Council of Arab Justice Ministers


Council of Arab Information Ministers


Council of Arab Ministers for Social Affairs


Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment


Council of Arab Ministers for Tourism


Council of Arab Ministers of Transport


Council of Arab Ministers for Health



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